
How Jerry Are You?

Considering the amount of products most girls buy, most of us aren't that adventurous. Just think, all that highlighting, luminizing, oil-free, colour correcting stuff and the Chubby Sticks (please santa, I've been a good good girl), colourfull palettes and the lastest craze in lip colour- what is it all for?

The answer is... the model off-duty, natural beauty look. What@?!!! We lap up all that stuff that the advertisers spend so much money on about bright lips, bright eyes but in the end, we are all wanna look naturally beautiful... with the help of a few products, of course. Wink Wink.
And I'm guilty- at times, of wanting all those cute boys to believe that my cheeks are naturally this rosy. However, I'm being drawn to the dark side. The Jerry Hall Side; the studio 54 diva side.
I only really started wearing and experienting with make-up when I was sixteen. My first few experients concluded with a thick application of foundation which made my skin dry and flaky as well as thick uneven line of eye liner. So it wasn't a big success. However, it was good training that no girl can skip if you dream of those sexy cat flicks of the cool parisien girls waiting/not waiting outside the fashion shows.

I have to admit, those parisien girl are annonyingly good at the facade but girls who don't have a nonchalant bone in their bodies and aren't prepared to grow any- shouldn't be intimadated my Jerry's colourful peepers or juicy lips. Just look at any Tom Ford advert; and I challenge anyone not to envy Lara Stone's purple eye make-up and red shiny lips. Now, I know natural is better and I agree...to a certain extent but I'm not chucking out any of my eye palettes soon. Because we all know girlies that the same amount of time goes into the I'm- not-wearing-any-makeup makeup look anyway...

And I've decided that I'm gonna go crazy and experient  using Jerry as my icon because god knows how much money I've spent on the stuff.

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